was founded on 16 June 1963 by 10 amateurs, to serve the VHF needs of amateur radio operators in the region. The Group has progressed from that time to the present with virtually the same objectives in mind. The Group has a very comprehensive network of both VHF and UHF repeaters located at several strategic sites that cover a major portion of the North Island of New Zealand.
The objectives of the Group are: Amongst others;
1. To support the aims and objectives of the NZART
2. To foster local interest in Amateur Radio, particularly at VHF and higher frequencies
3. To establish and operate amateur transmitting and repeater stations
Constitution is available for download. Constitution
The Waikato VHF Group maintains numerous repeaters around the Waikato and Bay of Plenty region. Our major repeater system is the WaiPlenty Network, with repeaters located on the Kaimai Range between Matamata and Tauranga, another at Te Uku between Hamilton and Raglan, another on Maungakawa northeast of Huntly, and the fourth is Waihi North 8km north-east of Waihi. IRLP is available on the Network - Node 6549. A diagram of the Network is on the Home page of this site.
We also have National System equipment located on Chinaman's Hill on Hamilton's southern boundary towards Te Awamutu, and two on the Kaimai range east of Matamata.
It all started when a group of enthusiasts having an interest in VHF and UHF met at Cambridge on June 1963. Foundation members of this new association named the Waikato VHF Group included:
Eddie Amon ZL1ACL, Ron Buckley ZL1AFC, Peter De Renzy ZL1AFE, Tony Boyce ZL1AFV, Brian Smith ZL1CJ, Des Hamblyn ZL1HP, Derek Cleland ZL1Y, Jack Rintoul ZL1RG and Ian Brown ZL1TAT
The group has operated continuously since then. Established NZ's second 2-metre repeater and assisted in establishing many others. At present the group operates five 2m and two 70cm repeaters plus nine UHF links. VHF/Technology Conventions have been hosted four times.